Colombia Viejo Caldas - Sugar Cane DECAF


16oz bag

About the Coffee
This sweet, chocolaty decaf was sourced from smallholders across Caldas, Quindío, Risaralda, which collectively was known as El Viejo Caldas. This lot was decaffeinated in Colombia using ethyl acetate - an organic compound derived from sugar cane - to remove 97% of the caffeine from coffee beans. The process tends to leave a pleasantly sugary flavor.

Origin Report
With 16 coffee-producing regions along three mountain ranges and two harvests each year, Colombia is a fresh coffee powerhouse. The South American origin also has access to both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, which is a unique blessing for shipping logistics.

Flavor: Chocolate, Cola, Raisin, Brown Spice

Body: Medium

Acidity: Medium

Process: Sugar Cane

Roast: Medium

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